Thursday, April 2, 2009

Getting ready for the weekend

This weekend is the Blue Ridge AR, which normally I participate in, and quite honestly, I still could easily race...but I figured I'd stay out of trouble and support Julia, Bo, and Chris B. as I'm sure they will be the winning team. And of course, if you can't RACE on the winning team - might as well support them! (No pressure guys...)

I just came back from a rather uneventful baby-doc appt where all they did was stick me with a needle and say that the baby's heartrate sounds great. Of course it does..this kid is going to have a VO2 max of 55 straight out of the womb, especially with all the riding "we" have been doing. In 4 weeks we hopefully find out the baby's sex, so that will be good to help eliminate 50% of all the potential names out there. We also made our first kid-related of those Chariot bike trailer-jogger red to match Sex on Wheels. Thank you REI dividend and 20% off coupon!

I was just about to hop on my SS for a cruise around the area, and it just DUMPED for about 5 minutes...yippie, wet roads = wet chammois.

I'm trying to wrap up a proposal at work so I can take advantage of the no-rain and fact that I'm going to Blue Ridge tomorrow. Was hoping to sneak in a ride before race check-in but my coworkers have some evil plot against me I think. As usual, I've got most of my writing done, however I'm waiting on some information from others, which I'm sure will come at the last minute in order to cause me the greatest amount of stress possible! Aahh, the joys of teamwork!

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